15. SEPTEMBER 2020 | Jan Döhler in a chat with Thorsten Leischke | PB3C IMMO PODCAST
Will there be a minor demand of office space in the future? Indeed there will be, states Thorsten Leischke, Managing Director of VLR Germany, and reckons the possibility of creating more affordable residential space. VLR´s client, EPH European Property Holdings, has recently acquired two hotels right in the peak of the Corona-Pandemia – a special challenge for Real Estate Asset Management.
Relevant, up-to-date, top-class cast. Welcome to the PB3C Real Estate Podcast. Within each episode experts from Politics, Economy and Investment analyse what the Real Estate Industry is focusing on at the moment. Through various perspectives of the value-added chain. And with a deeper look into all asset classes. What´s moving the market? What´s the direction of the market moving to? How will be decisions for investments being justified and which actions will be expected from the Real Estate Industry delivered by the Politcs? Within the PB3C Real Estate Podcast you will come across directly with it from through relevant decision-makers of the industry.